Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Chicago Weekly Results (8/8/16 - 8/14/16)

While many of Chicago's players were away at Smash Con this weekend, there were still just as many tournaments as ever going on in and around the city! Check out the results from the week!

Monday 8/8/16:

Mix-up Mondays at Kelpie Games

811 W Lincoln Hwy, DeKalb, Illinois 60115
Every Monday. Doubles at 6:00 p.m., Singles afterwards

Doubles: 5 teams
Entry fee: $4 per team
1. TraynZI ($16)
2. Double Puff ($8)

Singles: 10 entrants
Entry fee: $4
1. LUGL | RZI ($24)
2. LUGL | TacBac ($12)
3. SANJ | 101silverstreak ($4)

Tuesday 8/9/16:

E2C Poplar Creek Bowl

2354 W Higgins Rd, Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169
Every Tuesday. Doubles at 7:00 p.m., Singles at 8:00 p.m.

Doubles: 16 teams
Entry fee: $10 per team
1. E2C | StarbasedFruit + GGA.JJROCKETS ($96)
2. Dom + E2C | Tyroy ($48)
3. GHQ | Sheen + Taka ($16)

Singles: 66 entrants
Entry fee: $5
2. GGA.Demitus ($65)
3. E2C | Tyroy ($49)
4. Dom ($33)
5. E2C | StarbasedFruit ($16)
5. Tonetta ($16)
7. E2C | Ruins ($8)
7. Taka ($8)

Wednesday 8/10/16:


3341 N Elston Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60618
Every Wednesday. Singles at 7:30 p.m., side event after

Singles: 70 entrants
Entry fee: $5
1. UR | Ned ($140)
2. GGA.NiTe ($70)
3. E2C | Tyroy ($53)
4. UR | Big_Mak ($35)
5. GGA.Demitus ($17)
7. E2C | Shel ($9)
7. GGA.Dan ($9)

Thursday 8/11/16:

Smash at IIT

3101 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 60616
Every Thursday. Singles at 7:30 p.m., side event after

Singles: 24 entrants
Entry fee: $5
1. PowerSlam ($60)
2. Discord ($36)
3. Hydra ($18)
4. QED ($6)

Friday 8/12/16:

Play it Retro

3142 Oak Park Ave, Berwyn, Illinois 60402
Every Friday. Singles at 7:00 p.m.

Singles: 9 entrants
Entry fee: $5
1. GGA.Demitus ($31)
2. Semo ($14)

Back in the Game

13229 S Cicero Ave, Crestwood, IL 60445
Every Friday. Singles at 6:15 p.m., doubles if enough interest

Singles: 8 entrants
Entry fee: $5
1. Ateozc ($28)
2. Midnight ($12)

Saturday 8/13/16:

Gorilla Games Smash

256 S Route 59, Ste 124, Naperville, Illinois 60540
Every Saturday. Singles at 6:00 p.m.

Singles: 9 entrants
Entry fee: $5
1. Ouroboros ($31)
2. 2Blu ($14)

The Smash Kings

4127 W Montrose Ave, Chicago, IL 60641
Every Saturday. Singles at 12:00 p.m.

Singles: 6 entrants
Entry fee: $5
1. Panda Bair ($21)
2. Game ($9)

Sunday 8/14/16:


481 N Commons Dr, Aurora, IL 60504
Every Sunday. Doubles at 1:30 p.m., Singles after

Doubles: 3 teams
Entry fee: $5 per team
1. 8inches + RZI ($15)

Singles: 9 entrants
Entry fee: $5
1. RZI ($31)
2. Fanfu ($14)

GHQ Smash 4 Weekly

34165 N US Highway 45, Third Lake, Illinois 60030
Every Sunday. Doubles at 4:30 p.m., Singles at 6:00 p.m.

Doubles: 5 teams
Entry fee: $4 per team
1. ATATA + Rickles ($14)
2. B.W. Styles + Valkerur ($6)

Singles: 29 entrants
Entry fee: $5
1. Equin0x ($72)
2. Anonymous Moniker ($44)
3. ATATA ($22)
4. JTDunx ($7)

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